
B. x flava

B. x flava

Feuerwerk--05.04_1.jpgThese hybrids have tubular flowers, fragrant, in contrast to most other angel trumpets not strong.
The diversity of colors of the flowers is on the Brugmansia x flava, particularly to emphasize
Often, these are engineered virusanfällig and some must be kept separate from other angel trumpets.
The site must be semi-shade to shade. In particular caution should be casting one of these beauties, because they are usually prone to waterlogging.
They are usually weak vigor and bloom in spring and autumn, while summer is often blütenlos.

Our seedlings are mostly due to growth of less than 20 cm.

Lovers of plants that we do not recommend the angel trumpet beginners.



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Product no.: 702
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Product no.: 713
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Product no.: 714
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Product no.: 716
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Product no.: 151

Brugmansia x flava 'New Magic'

With strong purple-blue flowers convinced that their own new variety from the year 2011.

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This product has a longer delivery time and is possibly only available in the following year.


Product no.: 730
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Product no.: 731
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Product no.: 701
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Product no.: 354
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Product no.: 545

Brugmansia x flava 'Mobisu'

Flowers salmon-pink-orange, with its impressive flower approach, robust and highly recommended for Penumbra shadow Virustolerant


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Product no.: 715

Brugmansia x flava 'WILDFIRE'

Particularly striking flower has its own colorations this new variety from the year 2004.


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