
B. sanguinea

sanguineaDSC01294.jpgLike the B. arborea Brugmansia sanguinea, which also occurs at high altitudes in the Andes in Kulumbien and Chile.

The flowers are tubular and have intense colors.

The Brugmansia sanguinea does not flourish at higher temperatures, but mainly from autumn to spring at temperatures 10 to 20 degrees.

The growth is weak and often sparrig admirers, and the plants are virusanfällig.

Rather, for the angel trumpet lovers in addition to the virus because they also are very susceptible to humidity and moisture.

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Product no.: 346
Brugmansia sanguinea 'Cerise Flush'

A new seedling that impresses with its robust growth and ease of culture.

24.95 *

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This product has a longer delivery time and is possibly only available in the following year.


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