
Angel's Trumpets - Seedlings

Angel's Trumpets - Seedlings

The most popular in our plant size in the Angel Trumpets. The young plants are propagated in the autumn of the previous year or at the start of the delivery year as Blühbereich cuttings from the mother plant.

We deliver our seedlings into 9 cm or 12 cm pots. These are good durchgewurzelt, have a size of about 20 cm (but usually much larger) and get healthy and in good condition for shipping.

The photo shows an example nebestehende plant.

Angels Trumpet  B. arborea

Angels Trumpet B. arborea

The Angel Trumpet Brugmansia arborea type is one of the early flowering Brugmansia and they are robust in the culture.

Angels Trumpet B. aurea

Angels Trumpet B. aurea

Glowing flower colors, an intense fragrance and often very large leaves are a good sign for the detection of Brugmansia aurea.


B. x candida

B. x candida

The Brugmansia x candida is a hybrid of the Brugmansia versicolor and Brugmansia aurea. Even in the wild these hybrids occur, where the home sites are located in the Andes. They belong to the flower strength angel trumpets and worse weather conditions are tolerated. We favor the breeding of Duisburg Brugmansa x candida, because many of the negative characteristics of the parent plants do not come to fruition and successfully engineered double flowers bloom. The plants are generally robust, easy-to-cult fours and overwinter well.


B. x flava

B. x flava

Feuerwerk--05.04_1.jpgThese hybrids have tubular flowers, fragrant, in contrast to most other angel trumpets not strong.
The diversity of colors of the flowers is on the Brugmansia x flava, particularly to emphasize
Often, these are engineered virusanfällig and some must be kept separate from other angel trumpets.
The site must be semi-shade to shade. In particular caution should be casting one of these beauties, because they are usually prone to waterlogging.
They are usually weak vigor and bloom in spring and autumn, while summer is often blütenlos.

Lovers of plants that we do not recommend the angel trumpet beginners.

In addition, the young plants are usually well below 20 cm tall.

B. Hybriden

B. Hybriden

Here, all varieties are combined, which are not clearly assigned to a different kind.

These Mehrfachhybriden different characteristics of the parent plants are present and therefore no specific features are described.


B. sanguinea

B. sanguinea

sanguineaDSC01294.jpgLike the B. arborea Brugmansia sanguinea, which also occurs at high altitudes in the Andes in Kulumbien and Chile.

The flowers are tubular and have intense colors.

The Brugmansia sanguinea does not flourish at higher temperatures, but mainly from autumn to spring at temperatures 10 to 20 degrees.

The growth is weak and often sparrig admirers, and the plants are virusanfällig.

Rather, for the angel trumpet lovers in addition to the virus because they also are very susceptible to humidity and moisture.

B. suaveolens

B. suaveolens

suaveolens_Terracotta-DSC01.jpgThe Brugmansia suaveolens and its hybrids have mostly pronounced Blühschübe.
This day long, the flowers are usually not fully open and only show in the evening, all her beauty.
Especially fragrant flowers draw these angels trumpets special. They are usually vigorous, robust and suitable as a beginner plants.


B. versicolor

B. versicolor

This was originally derived from the tropical regions of Ecuador's cultural form is characterized by very large blooms, but are possible up to 50 cm long buds.

They love the heat and need at least 10 degrees in the winter, seedlings 12 degrees, which should be considered when selecting plants.

In the garden a warm, sheltered location is ideal.


B. vulcanicola

B. vulcanicola

The Brugmansia vulcanicola also happens to your natural habitat in Colombia is relatively rare. They grow slowly and have very long lasting blooms.
Almost all of Brugmansia vulcanicola place greater demands on the culture. You need a partially shaded to shady location in the summer. They are particularly sensitive to waterlogging and they may be only moderately watered, especially in the winter which will require a green thumb. Also, the planter should be chosen as small as possible. They love the cool seasons, grow and then bloom, is therefore ideal for wintering a bright winter quarters, almost condition. The temperature should be between 2 to 10 degrees.

Since this rare rooting takes a long time and the plants grow very slowly, our young plants are usually smaller.

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Product no.: 702
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Product no.: 709
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Product no.: 707
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Product no.: 706
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Product no.: 711
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Product no.: 713
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Product no.: 714
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Product no.: 716
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Product no.: 017

Brugmansia x candida f. pleno 'ANGELS AMBER QUEEN'


With this new breed their own, the luminously bright, double flowers is a wonderful sight. Not for nothing that we have named her "Amber Queen".

15.95 *

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can be shipped within 7 bis 14 days

Product no.: 105

Brugmansia hybrids f. plena 'ANGELS GOLDEN SHOWER "
Charming double flowers mehfach presents this new breed of its own in 2008.

15.95 *

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Product no.: 050
15.95 *

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Product no.: 346
Brugmansia sanguinea 'Cerise Flush'

A new seedling that impresses with its robust growth and ease of culture.

24.95 *

Not in stock
This product has a longer delivery time and is possibly only available in the following year.

Product no.: 151

Brugmansia x flava 'New Magic'

With strong purple-blue flowers convinced that their own new variety from the year 2011.

24.95 *

Not in stock
This product has a longer delivery time and is possibly only available in the following year.


Product no.: 730
24.95 *
Product no.: 571
Brugmansia arborea Hybride `New Wave'

This striking color, this einene breeding a delicate novelty of extraordinary beauty.

19.95 *


Product no.: 731
24.95 *
Product no.: 018

Medium about 20 cm long filled pink flowers shows this selection from the year 2003.

15.95 *

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can be shipped within 7 bis 14 days

Product no.: 701
24.95 *
Product no.: 115

Brugmansia. x candida f. plena 'Angels Honeymoon'

A compact-growing and extremely free flowering plant with rather small flowers pink - and red-colored, etagierten flowers.
15.95 *

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can be shipped within 7 bis 14 days

Product no.: 101

Brugmansia x candida f. pleno 'ANGELS GOLDEN RAIN'

Stunning double flowers come up with an almost incredible colors and have an expressive intensity. This gem attracts all the attention on themselves automatically. All good qualities to unite this treasure, robust, well-flowering through the winter, easy to use and cultivate.

15.95 *

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can be shipped within 7 bis 14 days

Product no.: 354
19.95 *

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can be shipped within 7 bis 14 days

Product no.: 304

Brugmansia versicolor f. pleno 'ANGELS SWEETHARD'

Baggy filled with large flowers in a bright yellow would spoil it to its own new breed from the year 2009 its beholder.

15.95 *

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can be shipped within 7 bis 14 days

Product no.: 148
19.95 *

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Product no.: 139
15.95 *

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Product no.: 136

Brugmansia x candida f. plena 'ANGELS JUBILEE'

A new variety from the year 2009 with fully filled, puffy flowers in pink.


15.95 *

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can be shipped within 7 bis 14 days

Product no.: 516

Brugmansia vulcanicola Hybride  'LILAC TOUCH'


A new variety from the year 2009, which has a very interesting flower colors. Many pink pastel colors, to a touch of purple are possible.

24.95 *

In stock
can be shipped within 7 bis 14 days

Product no.: 152

Brugmansia x candida f. plena 'ANGELS NEW FASCINATION'
A new variety from the year 2011 with a sensational big blooms in strahlemdem Orange.

15.95 *

In stock
can be shipped within 7 bis 14 days


Prices include VAT, plus delivery

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