


The Abutilon (Abutilon) is one of the most rewarding potted plants at all. It is easy to maintain and cultivate. It has no special requirements at the site which can be either semi-shade and sunny.
The Schönmave already shown very early to flower and bloom continuously under good culture conditions. Even in the winter it is undemanding perennials also reaches a dark frost-free place, but it can be durchkultiviert as a houseplant.

Our wide range that consists in large part from their own produce, which includes many colors and flower forms in almost all shades of color, such as. white, light yellow, yellow, yolk yellow, salmon, apricot, orange, pink, pink, purple, violet, pink, dark red, reddish brown and cream variety of pastels, pale pink, etc..


Also in the Abutilon, the seedlings are usually the first choice of our plant friends.

We deliver our seedlings into 9cm pots bzw.12cm. These are good durchgewurzelt, have a size of about 20 cm (but usually) much larger and are healthy and in good condition for shipping.


im 5 Liter Kübel

We offer you here already 2-year-old plants in a 5 liter containers will be shipped.

This great offer comes, great, depending on the time of delivery, between 70 cm and 1.20 meters to your home.

If you also soon be such a beautiful plant in your garden, would like to have on your balcony or in your flower box, then you decide if you please hurry, because these deals are usually sold out quickly.

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Product no.: 1179

Abutilon (Flowering Maple) 'Josi'

With incredibly large flowers in a charming red, does this therefore own breeding from 2012.

15.95 *

In stock
can be shipped within 7 bis 14 days

Product no.: 1203

Abutilon (Flowering Maple) 'Lachskönigin'

If you like strong colors salmon is sure to fall in love in this new breed of Duisburg.

15.95 *

In stock
can be shipped within 7 bis 14 days

Product no.: 1238

Abutilon (Flowering Maple) 'LILLIAN'

In this sensational flower color a further description is superfluous.

15.95 *

In stock
can be shipped within 7 bis 14 days

Product no.: 1247

Abutilon (Flowering Maple) 'Maron'

A great flower color presents this new breed of their own in 2012.

15.95 *

In stock
can be shipped within 7 bis 14 days

Product no.: 1473

butilon (Flowering Maple) 'YELLOW STAR'

A new star in this Schönmalvenhimmel own breeding, failed with a flower shape and a bright yellow.

15.95 *

In stock
can be shipped within 7 bis 14 days


Product no.: 1329
15.95 *

In stock
can be shipped within 7 bis 14 days

Product no.: 1013
15.95 *

In stock
can be shipped within 7 bis 14 days


Prices include VAT, plus delivery