Enchanted with a dazzling display of colors, shapes and fillings are safe belonging to the most beautiful potted angel's trumpets, which are botanically known as Brugmansia. Most of our plants are featured his own crosses, had to prove over the long term its good qualities in our garden. Angel Trumpets are outrageous claims to have in your fertilizer and water, but still easy to cultivate. Equally outrageous are angels trumpets, but also in its flowers and blossoms, and so some 100 flowers on a larger plant are not uncommon. On our website http://www.engelstrompete.de see "Trivia" and "Angels Trumpets" a lot of information concerning the care and culture of the angel's trumpet.
The most popular angel trumpets with us - plant size. Strong beautiful plants come to your home.
What was first conceived as a special to our 10-year-old company anniversary, has become a much sought-after items.
You get beautiful, depending on the time punk, between 70 cm and 1.20 meters tall plants that were potted in containers Vohrjaht into a 5 liter.
In the photo is an example of a b. x candida 'Super Spot to see' to.
What was first conceived as a special to our 10-year-old company anniversary, has become a much sought-after items.
You get beautiful, depending on the time punk, between 70 cm and 1.20 meters tall plants that were potted in containers Vohrjaht into a 5 liter.
In the photo is an example of a b. x candida 'Super Spot to see' to.